April 15, 2010

As Good As It Gets

My soldier has a serious love for strawberry ice cream; however, since ice cream can't make it home from the grocery store without melting, getting it to him is just not a possibility until he comes home (in six weeks!!). Til then, and because I feel that astronaut ice cream is just plain weird, this is as good as it gets: Strawberry snacks!

Strawberry Short Cakes, Twizzlers, Pop Tarts, 100 Calorie Strawberry cupcakes (I know, I know, but they were too cute to pass up), Strawberry Sugar Wafer cookies, Strawberry Ensure (these have really long expiration dates and are shelf-sustainable, so these are good to send at all times), Strawberry granola bars & Strawberry Instant Oatmeal. Oh, and best of all... strawberry marshmallows! I was quite proud of myself for this find, so hopefully they are as exciting to receive as they were to find!

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